Jumpstart your creativity with my one-week Find Your Joy "taster" course. Join me LIVE for free lessons, fun assignments, and Q&A sessions - all delivered by email so you can watch in your own time.


We start on August 29th, 2024

Sign me up for the free course!

Do you want to make art you love and feel excited and inspired every time you go into your creative space?

There’s something unbelievably satisfying about expressing your authentic and unique voice—creating the art that lives deep inside you and is just bursting to come out.

Yes sign me up!


But despite your good intentions, sometimes things take a turn for the worst.


You start second-guessing your skills, which gets those stress hormones pumping. Your shoulders tense and your jaw clenches as you put away your art supplies and come up with an excuse to bail on your creativity. And if you do end up making art, it’s only a matter of time until that little voice starts creeping in… the one that whispers:


You don't have what it takes…


You're doing "art" the wrong way…


You don't have enough talent…


Yep, it's that imposter syndrome again.

When it comes to having fun with your art, there's a lot standing in your way.


But it doesn't need to be like that... really it doesn't.


Get involved and learn to let go!


  • Discovering a deep well of inspiration that doesn’t involve scrolling Pinterest or Instagram for days.

  • Learning the secret of finding your very own artistic voice, one that you know isn’t borrowed, but is authentically you.

  • Understanding why you really are an artist and how to push through some of the barriers that are keeping you from creating your highest and best work.

Once you master these things, you won't believe how far you'll go!

Start your own life-changing journey today by joining this free course that will super-charge your art-making, boost your confidence, and put a big smile on your face.

Click the button below to join us on August 29th. I can't wait to see what happens for you and your art!

Sign me up!

Kind Words from Find Your Joy Students

This course has reignited my spark, my passion, my love of creating art. I have learnt so much about the artist’s emotional journey and feel so much more resilient.

Alison Smith

This course opened up a totally new way in which to practice my art. It gave me the confidence to share my art with others.

Sharon Blake

It DOES help you find your joy and releases your fears. I loved it!

Donna Blachford

FYJ has enabled me to play with wild abandon and helped me move further along to find the passion within my work.

Vickie Van Gogh

FYJ has been a wonderful experience for me and confirmed that making art is actually what I want to do for the rest of my life!

Sarah Stewart

Life-changing. I have done several "art" courses over the years and to be frank, I learned little and they were mostly very boring. Louise's course is the reverse of all those!

Fay Howe

Louise has created a wonderful space within which we can all be the artist we were born to be—on our terms—in our own unique way—in community.

Clare Brown

I have taken many art classes but nothing has come anywhere near the experience of the last 10 weeks.

Maggie Dillon

I have never painted as consistently as this in all my life, and I believe that the teaching extended far beyond art for me.

This is the most well-thought-out, technically easy, no-nonsense course I've ever done.

Helen Dimitropoulos

I have moved so much further with Louise’s course than with anything else I’ve ever done.

Judy Otter

Don't miss out!


This course only comes around once a year. Add your name to the list and learn to express your unique artist voice. We start soon!


Add me to the list!