Here are just a few of the artists whose lives have changed
"I never knew painting could be fun."
Frances was traumatised by art school and for years she didn't paint. Then she took Find Your Joy and learned how to let go of unrealistic expectations. Now she is making beautiful unique and personal art - and having a good time doing it.

Helen Durant
I have taken many online courses and this has been the best by far because it was not about an end product but about developing me as an authentic artist

Carolyn Rhineberger
Wonderful, worthwhile experience that provided thoughtfully guided experimentation, expert demonstration and positive insight, all encouraged by a loving coach.
"I feel that my creative world has just opened up..."
Libby had built a fairly successful career as a representational landscape painter but she felt she had more to give in her art - she came to the course hoping to loosen up and paint more freely.
Ready to get started?
Sign me up!"Now I can finally say I am an artist..."
Mary found freedom through Find Your Joy and her whole approach to making art has changed, The results have been great too - she recently won first prize in an exhibition, something that had never happened before.

Lisa Branney
Amazing! This is the course that I never knew that I needed!
I was feeling very stuck and unhappy with my work but had no idea how to make the changes that I wanted. Now I have the tools I need to create work that makes me truly happy and will allow me to finally find my own unique style!! Thank you so much Louise for finding a way to bring so much joy in to people’s lives.
"A life-changing experience..."
Liz worked as an illustrator for many years, but found it hard to let go of constraints when it came to making her own work. She wanted to learn to express more in her art and she is now making evocative paintings that tell a story of the area around her home.
"I have a whole new mindset"
Sara had recently taken up painting and had taken online classes with several well-known teachers. She had learned all kinds of art-making principles and yet she felt stuck when she tried to put them into practice. Not any more!

June Williams
"It is life-changing - it has introduced a regular work ethic of playful exploration and given us the tools to get unstuck if we view problems as challenges and are not precious or judging of so-called failed attempts. It has shown that being an artist is achievable and at the same time can be truly joyful if we just analyse what makes us happy and follow that path."
Ready to get started?
Sign me up!I thought I was being experimental before ... but oh boy!
Pam has been painting for 40 years. She has taken many courses and has a painting mentor. But Find Your Joy changed everything for her. At 76, she is painting with more passion and excitement than ever before.
"It just unlocked everything for me."
Amanda happened upon a style of painting that made the perfect gift ... which was great until she realised that in the process of making commission after commission, she had lost herself. But with the help of Find Your Joy, she is now back to making unique, exciting artwork that feels like her.

Lory Chaplin
"I loved every minute. Louise has changed me from an artist who is trying to impress others (family, friends, strangers) to an artist who is painting only to please herself. The most precious gift she could possibly have given me."

Jo Perkins
"This course came just when I needed it. It helped me realise my passion for abstract art and bring out my confidence. The assignments were fabulous and the additional material pushed the course to a deeper level. Fantastic!"
"I had a big idea, but didn't know how to express it"
Irene had been painting for 18 months when she discovered Find Your Joy. She had a clear idea of what she wanted to express, but no firm idea of how to do it. That all changed as a result of the assignments and the support of the community ...

Leslie Williams
"I have taken many painting courses with accomplished artists and been able to paint well in the style they teach, but I was looking for more. I wanted to find out who I was as an artist - my style. With the Find Your Joy course and Louise Fletcher's thought provoking coaching, I have been able to delve deeply into myself as an artist and a person, exploring, playing and experimenting. I frequent my studio almost every day now where I am finding freedom, joy and me!"
Ready to get started?
Sign me up!"I had so many different styles - I didn't know who I was..."
Kerry's brother looked at her artwork and said it looked as if lots of different people had made the work. She knew he had a point. So she set out to explore her own voice and to find out what she wanted to express.

Sharon Wall
"I’m a beginner. I’ve taken a few classes which left me frustrated and discouraged. Find Your Joy has left me energized, enthusiastic and wanting to do more. I love Louise's approach to teaching and the supportive Facebook group."
"I needed to get out of my comfort zone"
Kim had been teaching art for years but felt a drive to be more creative in her own work. Find Your Joy gave her the courage to test out new ideas and to find her own way. She had always felt restrained by 'shoulds' and 'oughts' but she now knows how to simply follow the joy.

Debra Durham
"Louise made learning and exploring the painting process fun and easy. I enjoyed every minute of the course and she has sent me off on an art journey that will have an impact on how I make art for the rest of my life."

Priscilla Hardin
"Even as a novice in acrylic and abstract art, I felt nurtured and supported by Louise. I was enabled to explore at my own pace, and to discover my own strengths and loves along the journey. Life-changing!"
"I didn't know how to get where I wanted..."
June had been successful selling representational art, but she wasn't in love with her own work. She followed an intuitive sense after seeing an ad for the course and - after committing to trying new things - she took her art in an exciting new painterly direction.

Julia Mackinder
"I didn't believe it before I booked it, but this course has indeed been life changing. It has empowered me in all kinds of ways. I am braver and bolder and less fearful of 'mistakes' in my work and I know I will continue to explore my dreams of painting in a vigorous and expressive way using marks and movements that are my own.
Louise has structured the course to give so much support and to arm you with the tools that will enable you to keep working and exploring for years. I don't need to ever be stuck again as I have so many ways to play and get unstuck. The course has been joyful and has brought new friendships and kindnesses all round. I may well do it again next year if it's offered."
Ready to get started?
Sign me up!
Cheri McKenzie
"Louise, you provided fantastic guidance, exercises and direction that allowed me to continue to follow my own path with confidence and and joy, I’m so pleased with how my work has developed in the 10 weeks of this class, and was so impressed with how accessible and responsive you were to all the questions and to all the students and the number of live chats you provided, I’m not sure when you slept LOL. Thank you so much for your honesty, openness and wisdom, I would highly recommend this class to anyone who is interested in following their joy and developing their own unique personal voice."
"I could breathe again!"
Dianne had studied the formal principles of art such as composition, value and colour but she felt as if she had become stuck in her left brain. Find Your Joy freed her up and she is now painting more often, painting more freely, and working much larger.

Nicola Welten
"It has been totally life changing. I am so glad I did it and I enjoyed every second of it. My work has totally changed and become more me. I feel I have gained the skills to move on with my art and I now have loads of ideas I want to explore. I’ve found my joy and my style I now say I’m an artist. I know I definitely have gained so much confidence and have started reaching out to my local art community at long last. It’s been so much more than an art course."
"Such a fantastic experience!"
Kathy did not know any artists in real life who wanted to make abstract art. She felt alone and unsupported in her efforts until she found Find Your Joy and finally found her tribe!